There is a scene where North asks Jack: “What’s your center?” Jackfrost is, understandably, confused. In the moments that follow, North reveals that his center is wonder; it is wonder that he puts into the world. That is where the holiday season gets its magic. Wonder.
Some people love Valentine’s Day. Others adore Easter.
Christmas and Halloween are my holidays. Yes, part of that has to do with decorations. It may be the dormant theater kid in me – who knows – but I will heartily embrace any opportunity to a). Decorate and b). Dress up. (That includes Christmas sweaters and holiday jewelry.) It is more than that, though. I love the energy of the seasons.
Not the commercial Buy Things energy. (Although, I do recognize decorations can 100% buy into that consumer culture. I am not immune. We all have our vices!) But the other stuff.
For Halloween, it is the celebration of a world and energy beyond the physical. That is a reality for me that I love honoring daily, but a season and holiday devoted to it is an extra boost. It is also the fact that it is the middle of a season revolving around change, letting go, and dying to be reborn (in the Spring/next season of life).
For Christmas, it is the ideal of what we should aim to actively bring into our daily lives the whole year round. The wonder, kindness, and Christmas spirit. The general sense that we are all humans of the Earth and just need to lend a hand and hold space for, look out for, and be kind to our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity. Yule also taps into the energy of the cycle of life. As the Winter Solstice, it is also marking a time of settling in and retreating within, doing more profound inner reflection and planning. The introvert in me lives for this time of reflection and withdrawal to re-evaluate and recharge for the coming seasons. (The hygge and coziness from the glow of incandescent lights, the smell of eggnog or a holiday candle, and the way that decorations transform a place into a seasonal hug does not hurt.)
To be honest…
The past few years it has been harder to feel that magic and wonder. Between life and graduate school, it was a bit of strugglefest to get into the Christmas Spirit. So, I started doing small things to transform that energy. I sat down and wrote a list of things that I did as a child which brought the magic alive. Activities like baking or surprise gifting. And then… I did them. In some ways it reminded me of how I felt on days I grumble about my morning walk or yoga. I do not want to do it. I drag myself out of bed, out of my cozy pajamas, completely not in the mood. I groan about it. I have to force myself to do it.
And I always feel better after doing so.
I was rejuvenating old traditions and creating new ones. Traditions are rituals that bring a comfortable familiarity and joy. (Wonder, too.) My holiday spirit is rekindled every year by thinking of ways to keep wonder alive, even when it feels very much dormant.
Especially for the past two years, it has been difficult for many of us to find that joy and wonder. The world looks and feels different. Holidays can be difficult on their own without the added stressors of the last two years. For many, grief is a heavy coat this time of year. If that is true for you this year, I am sending you all of the hugs and love.
This list is full of ideas we already implement here – or at least cycle through every year- to celebrate the season. Some are a few traditions I’d like to start. I made this list to be an inspiration for your holiday wonder. Pick and choose what works best for you, just like I did. Do one or two cherished few or do them all! Turn them into an advent calendar to bring extra fun into your days. (Picking one or two items everyday until Christmas.)
Here’s a list of ideas to bring some of that magical holiday wonder into your life this holiday season.
(You can download and print the PDF version of my Holiday Wonder List here )
If you celebrate with ways that are different from this list, I’d love to hear in the comments.
The Holiday Wonder List is heavily leaning toward Christmas because that is the secular holiday we celebrate. But if you celebrate something other than Christmas, I’d love to hear how you do so and what it means to you. Share in the comment if you would like!
I hope you enjoy this list. Share it with your friends. And, if you use it tell me all about it!
Be kind and find your wonder this holiday season,