Cozy is a lifestyle. My bio on my private Instagram has that listed as a descriptor… because it is true! Happiness is warm sweaters, cozy socks, soft blankets, soft lights or candles, and a warm mug (tea, cocoa, or coffee). I always knew this about myself, but graduate school solidified…
Blogmas - Happy Holidays - Holiday Season - Home for the Holidays - Merry Christmas - Music - Self Care
Indulging in Productive Procrastination
It is rare that life’s current g r a d u a l l y changes for me. Life’s current shifts rapidly. It isn’t like the ocean tide creeping up the shore until it swells to its fullest. There’s a period of pause and then a flurry – a whirlwind,…
A Guide to Social Distancing: Coping with Stress
Hi there, friends. Sit down. Here, have a mug of tea – a cup of coffee. How are you holding up? The world is a scary, uncertain, and overwhelming place right now. Some days, the media speaks so loud – and often – it is hard to hear yourself think…
Joy and Happiness - Life Lessons - Lists - Personal Growth - Reflection - Self Care - Self-improvement
17 Lessons of 2016 for Bridging into 2017
Happy New Year, everyone! New Year is supposed to mean New You, right? It’s the time we get to wipe the slate clean and start all over again. Get rid of the junk. Remove the toxicity. Dream. Set forth a plan. In essence, it’s a do-over. For some people, that…
Self-Care for the Holiday Season
“I’m exhausted” appears to be the universal mantra as we wind down 2016 and gear up for 2017. As I speak with friends, family, and even strangers everyone seems to be at a consensus that we are in need of naps and possibly a week of nothing but Netflix binging.…